Contact Us


Please include your name, address and phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity and space.  Email



Have a question or story idea for one of our departments? 

Looking for a rewarding career?

Work for a Georgia Electric Cooperative.

Story ideas or leads should be submitted in writing (via postal service or email). Please allow 6-8 weeks for response. Including photos with the submission helps in the planning and review process. 

Georgia Magazine assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Manuscripts, photographs and artwork must be accompanied by self-addressed, stamped envelopes with sufficient postage to be returned. Georgia Magazine does not guarantee publication of material received and reserves the right to edit any material published. 

Email ideas to

1) If you receive the magazine through your local EMC, please write or call that office directly; 2) If you have personally subscribed, mail your address change to Georgia Magazine Address Change, P.O. Box 1707, Tucker, GA 30085-1707. Please include a copy of your current mailing label with any correspondence, if possible.

  • Harold Chambliss - Advertising Representative; cell: (678) 906-4050
  • Our national advertising representative is American MainStreet Publications; (800) 626-1181

Georgia Magazine publishes a community Calendar of Events each month in its print edition. Listings are due on the 15th, three months in advance of your event's month (example, submit December events by Sept. 15 or before).

Email your event listings to  and please include the following information: Name of event, dates, venue, town. Brief description. Direct link to the website with up-to-date information. Public telephone number.

Our readers may want more information, so it’s important to have your website up-to-date and to provide a phone number for readers who may not use the internet.

Event listings are subject to space availability, so we also encourage you to enter your event in our online calendar.

If you have questions, please call our calendar editor, Pam Keene, at (770) 965-3340. 

Our readers love hearing about things to do around our state! We welcome representatives from cities, CVBs, civic groups, local venues and other individuals to share events in our online calendar.

To post an event, you must first register for an account. On the Calendar page, click the green "Post Community Event" button and then the link to register for an account. A welcome email to help you finish establishing your account will be sent back to you. Once you enter calendar items, they will stay behind the scenes until a magazine staffer has reviewed it. (Please keep calendar entries brief; all entries are subject to editing. We reserve the right to reject events. Please note that profanity is not allowed.) Events are reviewed weekly. Once approved, your local event will appear in our online calendar.

For questions, email

Our Snapshot department has been replaced with other occasional departments, such as Georgians at Work, Hometown Heroes, My Georgia and Made in Georgia.

If you'd still like to share an interesting photo with us for possible inclusion in the magazine, please send your high-resolution digital photo—along with all names of people pictured (if a child, please include parent or guardian names), city of residence, electric co-op (if served by one), phone number and mailing address—to Photos become the property of Georgia Magazine and cannot be returned.

If you'd like to submit a photo for our "Picture this?" contest instead, please email

My Georgia is a reader-submitted column focusing on meaningful Georgia experiences. Stories should be no longer than 500 words; photos of author are required for publication. Email Digital images must be 300 dpi. Writers of published stories receive $100. 

To submit a photo: Send your original, high-resolution digital photos of locations that are easy to identify but not too prominent (such as the Big Chicken in Marietta or Stone Mountain) to Photos become the property of Georgia Magazine and cannot be returned. To make a guess: Email your guess and your name, mailing address and phone number to

Trivia questions and rules for the contest are published in the print and digital editions of the magazine. Email your answers along with your name, mailing address and phone number to

Contact your electric cooperative first; they may send the magazine by request for free or a discounted rate. Or, send a check or money order for $12 (12 issues) or $20 (24 issues) to Georgia Magazine Subscriptions, c/o Georgia EMC, P.O. Box 117757, Atlanta, GA 30368-7757. Please allow 6-8 weeks for your first issue to arrive. 

Stay informed about Georgia Magazine's upcoming stories, contests and more! Subscribe or manage your current preferences by clicking here. 

The cost is $3 per copy, based on availability. Send check or money order with issue date, quantity requested and return address and phone number. You also can browse our online archive of magazines dating back several years by clicking on the “Back Issues” button on the main navigation bar of our website. 

A list of electric cooperatives in Georgia can be found on Georgia EMC's website at

As a service to Georgia’s electric cooperative members, Georgia Electric Membership Corp. (EMC) publishes Georgia Magazine, the largest circulation monthly magazine in Georgia. Celebrating the Georgia lifestyle, the spirit of its people and the flavor of its past, Georgia EMC is proud to bring this community-focused magazine into the homes of more than 560,000 Georgians every month.

Georgia EMC is the statewide trade association that serves the following:

  • Georgia’s 41 electric membership corporations
  • Oglethorpe Power Corp.
  • Georgia Transmission Corp.
  • Georgia System Operations Corp.

Georgia EMC enables Georgia’s electric co-ops to pool their resources to gain strength and efficiency on issues common to the EMCs. GEMC is a not-for-profit 501 (C)(6), member-owned organization controlled by a board of directors elected from the member cooperatives and corporations.

For more on Georgia EMC, visit