Current Issue

Welcome to July's issue!

Good health is something we should never take for granted. Unfortunately, many of us don’t give it a second thought until we end up at urgent care because of an injury, get a nudging call from the doctor that our cholesterol numbers are not in check or, worse, learn that a loved one has been diagnosed with a chronic or life-limiting illness.

But being in good health is multifaceted—not just being free of disease. The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

That’s something to strive for in today’s fast-paced world where—as my friend Julie L. Cannon used to say, “Life with a capital L”—happens. We often might not even take time to just breathe.

If you’re looking to boost your health a bit, this issue offers several fun ideas.

Come along for a bit of joy as we visit Love GOGA’s yoga classes that feature baby goats, pigs, pups and more. Read “Yogi’s helpers” on page 16 to learn how these animal companions make exercising more enjoyable.

When did you last try hula-hooping? Turn to page 21 to meet Lauren Porchia, known as “the Hula Empress,” who proves that “hooping” is not just for kids.

What you put in your body also plays into good health. In “Squeeze the day,” read how Arden’s Garden grew from one woman’s home-based health idea into a blossoming business that’s going on 30 years; see page 32.

Inspired to make your own smoothies at home? See page 30 for a few recipes.

And be sure to read about how therapeutic gardening projects are helping patients become the caregivers. Turn to “Gardening as good therapy” on page 28.

Make time this month to catch up with a friend or family member, strike up a conversation with someone new or get outdoors for some fresh air, if you can.

Here’s to good health!

Jennifer J. Hewett 

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